Portrait of Raphaël Velt

Raphaël Velt

Design, Media and Education Specialist.

Professional Experience

  • Lecturer in Design Thinking and Media Technology, Breda University of Applied Sciences

    August 2018 – now
    • Teaching subjects relating to Applied Research and Media Informatics, including Image Editing, Web Design and Development, Design Thinking, Interactivity.
    • Primarily teaching in the Bachelor in Creative Business (CB) and the Master in Media Technology (MMI), as well as giving guest lectures in the Master in Game Technology (MGT).
    • Coordinator of the Media Technology Module within the MMI.
    • Staff Trainer on Artificial Intelligence.
    • Project Supervisor for Final Year Capstone Projects and for the Interactive Department of Production House in the CB Bachelor.
    • Member of the CB Curriculum Development Team and of the Assessment Committee for the Academy for AI, Games and Media.
    • Developed online learning activities and content during the Covid–19 pandemic and for the fully online MMI Executive Track.
    • Followed a Teaching Qualification Programme (TQP), including the obtention of the Basic Examiner Qualification (BKE).
  • Digital Research Specialist, University of Nottingham

    2017 – 2018
    • Translating Information Technology (IT) requirements to bridge the gap between academic researchers and IT services.
    • Reporting and advising on data management practices.
  • Research and Development Intern (Part-time), British Broadcasting Corporation

    2017 – 2018
    • Visited the R&D Department as part of the BBC User Experience Research Partnership bringing together BBC R&D and six research universities.
    • Organized workshops aimed at developing more integrated experiences across BBC platforms.
  • Information Visualization Specialist, Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation

    2011 – 2013
    • Designing and developing interactive data visualization systems.
  • Broadcast Systems Engineer, Télévision Française 1 S.A.

    2005 – 2009
    • Part of the “Systems Department”, providing 24/7 levels 1-3 support for the company‘s broadcast systems.


  • PhD in Human-Computer Interaction, University of Nottingham

    2013 – 2017
    • Conducted research into the development of complex media experiences with a “Research-through-Design” paradigm.
    • Thesis title: Putting trajectories to work: translating a Human-Computer Interaction framework into design practice.
  • MA in Digital Creation and Publishing, Université Paris 8

    2009 – 2011
    • A multidisciplinary programme combining UX design, web development, project management and social sciences.
    • Original name: Master Création et Édition Numériques.
  • BEng in Digital Audiovisual Systems, INAsup

    2004 – 2005
    • Degree awarded by Université Gustave Eiffel in partnership with the Institut National de l‘Audiovisuel
    • Original name: Licence Professionnelle Réseaux et Télécommunications option Systèmes Audiovisuels Numériques.